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- Originally known for their sawdust masks and toy-making, the Nakashi artists have another prominent art form up their sleeves. The “Cherial Painting Artisans” paint scrolls which illustrate the history and the culture of a section of people in rural Warangal. Over time, however, due to lack of craftsmanship and inability to pass down the skill, there are only 6 artisans present who’ve mastered this art. The art of Cherial was staring at its demise in the very near future.
- Pembarthi, a village in Warangal District of Telanganaissynonymous for Sheet Metal Brass engraving and Brass artefacts. The sheet metal work adorned the chariots of the kings and the idols of the Gods. With the increasing number of temples during the Kakatiya rule, the Pembarthi sheet metal work flourished and gained popularity. However, the subsequent Muslim influences resulted in the entry of the sheet metal wares into the households in the forms of ‘Paandans’ (small boxes for carrying beetle nuts), ‘Ittar’ pots (scent containers) vases, hanging metal lamps (Jhummars or Chandeliers), plaques and mementos etc. Pembarthi artefacts demonstrate a mixture of both the cultures, therefore the art wears a secular look. The Vishwakarma Brass, Copper and Silver Co-operative Society has a handicrafts showroom in Pembarthi.
- OUR WORK: Tharuni, in collaboration with Department of Tourism & Culture (Telangana), came forward to help sustain the art from turning extinct through their “Rural Tourism Project”. Tharuni has been reaching out to rural artisans of Pembarthi and Cheriyal and working to promote their work. This involved conducting awareness campaigns, exhibitions, workshops and exposure visits to multiply the number of people practicing the art and enhance their earnings leading to overall sustainability. We helped the artisans expand the reach of the craftsmanship to global markets through a website and sales efforts.
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