- Focusing the issue
- Setting up of Jhoolas – Uyyala Campaign
- Awareness
- Advocacy – IEC Materials
- Adoption
- Improving the Govt. Health Facilities for infants
OOYALA an Innovative approach
The word OOYALA literally means cradle. Tharuni has initiated a novel method to contain the problem of Infanticide and destitution by installing cradles in prime locations in the project area especially hospital and health settings where children are abandoned by families who desert the neonates as they are either unwanted owing to their sex, if it is a female or they are born out of unwanted pregnancies. Within a short time the initiative was successful in protecting about 5 new borns, who have been abandoned by their families owing to sex preferences and the volunteers engaged in relocating the children to other agencies that came to the rescue of the children.

Tharuni believes that all such cases if unattended can tilt the gender proportions at the district level and the fact that the female sex ratio of the proposed district (Warangal) is lowest 912 compared other districts in the state of Andhra Pradesh bear testimony to the fact that there is a strong need for sensitization of all the stake holders and increased need for awareness generation and Advocacy on all issues related to the problem
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