Fighting against Child Labour:
- Focusing on the issue of Child Labour in Cotton Fields, Ginning Mills & Brick Kilns, and other places where girls work
- Counseling the Parents
- Enforcement drives
- Mainstreaming the dropouts
- Distance Education – Open School/ University
Warangal, the capital of future State Telengana, is a hub of academic excellence with Kakatiya University and REC (I.I.T). But it has maximum number of child labour and is next to Mahabubnagar in child marriages. Particularly Girl Children are at the discretion of their parents who transform them within no time, into child labour. Stricken by poverty and driven by selfish motives of parents’ girls are being victimised. Girl child is looked at as a commodity and not as a human being. They are deprived of child and human rights.
This Photo Feature was sent to State Human Rights Commission, Hyderabad where a Public Interest Litigation was filed and we, THARUNI could make the Labour Department take action against the Mill owners. Over the time, when this Report was submitted to UNICEF, they initiated a special Project – Child Protection Project funded by IKEA in 20 Mandals of Warangal District and could stop Child Labour in these Ginning Mills and Brick Kilns in the district. Tharuni was part of this successful project.
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